Lilith en Lesbet Trou (2021 - 2022)
Independent Performances in Collaboration with Mandri Sutherland & That Eclectic
The first performance in this series was a "house wedding" performance at Nicolene's home in Fish Hoek. The performance was unpacked in depth in two episodes on Air It Podcast and in an article by Azille Coetzee.
Listen to 'Dis jou dag': Reflections on White Afrikaner Wedding Rituals (Part I)
Listen to Performance art, Acting and Alternative Wedding Rituals ft. Mandri Sutherland (Part II)
Read Azille Coetzee's Article, Die troue as performance in Lillith & Lesbet Trou
Photographs by Lara Hattingh

Iteration II: Lilith & Lesbet Trou Weer
Two artists meet on social media and come together to investigate and unpick their Afrikaner culture on the topic of getting married. The performance makes overt questions around the initiation into adulthood through a wedding ritual, the presumed heteronormativity of the traditional Afrikaner wedding, sexuality and getting married, the personal aspects of getting married vs the community participation in the ceremony and so much more. In collaboration with That Eclectic the first iteration of 'Lilith & Lesbet Trou' is expanded on in an event called, 'That White Wedding'.
Photographs by Kayleigh Murray & Saarah Anna Fletcher